Linux & UNIX

sed나 awk 대신에 parameter substitution 를 이용하자

fabxoe 2021. 7. 15. 21:16

echo ${string//[^[:digit:]]/}






Summary: String Manipulation and Expanding Variables

For your ready references here are all your handy bash parameter substitution operators. Try them all; enhance your scripting skills like a pro:

${parameter:-defaultValue} Get default shell variables value
${parameter:=defaultValue} Set default shell variables value
${parameter:?"Error Message"} Display an error message if parameter is not set
${#var} Find the length of the string
${var%pattern} Remove from shortest rear (end) pattern
${var%%pattern} Remove from longest rear (end) pattern
${var:num1:num2} Substring
${var#pattern} Remove from shortest front pattern
${var##pattern} Remove from longest front pattern
${var/pattern/string} Find and replace (only replace first occurrence)
${var//pattern/string} Find and replace all occurrences
${!prefix*} Expands to the names of variables whose names begin with prefix.
Convert first character to lowercase.
Convert all characters to lowercase.
Convert first character to uppercase.
Convert all character to uppercase..


How To Use Bash Parameter Substitution Like A Pro

Explains how to use Bash Parameter Substitution for string matriculation and expansion - includes tons of practical examples.


추가로 하나더! 이건 뭐지?

Bash, Dash, KornShell (ksh), Z shell (zsh) 에서 다음 처럼 테스트 할 수 있다.

test "${string#*$word}" != "$string" && echo "$word found in $string"

테스트 명령어?